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Let’s clone Jim

I attended the Civic meeting tonight which was at the end of a busy day.  By luck or providence I down next to one of my heroes.  His name is Jim and he owns quite a few houses in Frankford.  I became aware of him as I started our series of pictures of Frankford homes.  There is one block that I drive along and it is literally true that just about every house on it could easily be the home of the week.

I checked around and found Jim owned many of those houses.  He is quite a contrast to the profile of the typical Frankford landlord in that he actually cares about the neighborhood.  He is one of us.  He lives on the block.  He knows his neighbors.  He is an investor.

Jim likes buildings too and brings them back up to a high level of appeal without sacrificing the original lines and design.  You will find his art East of the Avenue not far from the hospital.

Thanks Jim.