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Zoning Overlay and the Frankford Special Services District

The meeting of the Frankford Civic Association covered quite a few issues, so I haven’t had the time to report on an important piece of news that did come out.  When the Frankford Special Services District (FSSD) came into being several years ago it included a zoning overlay.  That was to take some control over what types of businesses would open up in the district.  When the FSSD legislation expired in December of 2005 the zoning overlay also expired.

The city law department has determined that since the FSSD has now been resurrected, the zoning overlay is also now in effect.  The result is that the community once again has some influence over the opening of certain types of businesses.  This places a greater burden on the board of the Frankford Civic as our representatives in these zoning issues.  There will be more cases that they will have to review.

It also makes it imperative that the Civic, State Rep and City Councilperson work together on these issues.  Can we count of all of these folks working together for the bettement of Frankford?

1 thought on “Zoning Overlay and the Frankford Special Services District

  1. Thank God for the work of former Councilman Dan Savage. He did a great job in resurrecting the FSSD. If it was not for former Councilman Dan Savage, we would not have the zoning overlay in place.

    When former Councilman Dan Savage put the legislation together to resurrect the FSSD, he had the support of Senator Tartaglione and State Rep. Tony Payton.

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