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First Anniversary of the Frankford Town Hall Meeting

Last Wednesday was the first anniversary of  the town hall meeting called by councilperson Maria Quinones-Sanchez.  It was held at St. Joachims on February 3, of 2009 and caused quite a stir at the time.  You may remember that the subject was the recovery house problem in Frankford.  The problem being that there is an overabundance of recovery houses in our neighborhood.   We have been told that this is a difficult problem to solve.  It may be but how do we know.  We haven’t had any official communication from the Councilperson.  We haven’t had any news.

This is not to say that nothing has happened down at City Hall.   What we were promised, is a return to our community of the people involved in that meeting to report on what was going to be done.  We need to know what has been done and what will be done in the future to address this problem. A year is long enough.