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News from the Northwood Civic Association Meeting

Low turnout on the election day meeting allowed more time for give and take on a few special topics.

  • Residents are concerned that the problem with the building at Simpson Playground has been put on the back burner by the city and as a result, the toddler play area is still closed to use as well as the building itself with the rest rooms.  Will the pool be able to open under those circumstances?  No answers have come from city officials and residents are feeling like the are getting the run around.
  • The tire shop behind Pat’s cafe has cleaned up its act since they were approached by Northwood Civic members as a result of last month’s meeting.  Weeds and trash have been eliminated.
  • The owners of 5260 Castor Avenue will be coming to the next Northwood Civic board meeting to discuss a proposed use for the property.  Residents opposed use for it as a beauty salon.
  • Work will be starting on the Y in the next few weeks.  Prospective tenants on looking to the building for use.  Volunteers and donated materials will be used as much as possible to rehab one office space at a time to get some income from the property as soon as possible.
  • Frank Bennett has been maintaining the triangle of property at Adams and Boulevard on his own time.  Cleanups are proposed in the coming weeks for the vacant water ice property on Castor Ave. and Northwood Park.
  • The Neighborhood Security Patrol is still out there doing the job and will be doing a new campaign to sign up additional participants.

The next meeting of the Northwood Civic Association will be held on June 18th at St. James Lutheran Church at Castor Avenue and Pratt St.


1 thought on “News from the Northwood Civic Association Meeting

  1. Dear Mr. Smiley,

    Your publishing the Frankford Gazette fulfills a most necessary need in keeping the residents of Frankford/Northwood informed of the happenings in our neighborhood.

    Your time and effort are most appreciated.

    Regarding 5260 Castor a resident of Northwood for 32 years and a former resident of Frankford for 15 years, I am strongly opposed to opening a beauty shop in that location. I wish you and your family an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend.

    Al Stuhl

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