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Wilmot School Has Been Designated as a Historic Building

At a meeting of the Philadelphia Historical Commission on April 8th, the Wilmot School at 1736 Meadow Street in Frankford was accepted for historic designation.  This ends the lengthy process of research and documentation by Joe Menkevich, Rev. Darrel Bradsbery, Pastor of Second Baptist which owns the building and Leon Brantley.


This in an acknowledgment of the historic significance of this Frankford school building to the history of the City.

The benefits of the designation are:

Protection against inaccurate or unsympathetic alterations and unnecessary demolition offers a means to assure the preservation of the character of a resource or neighborhood. Historic designation serves as yet another tool for a community to retain its physical integrity. In Philadelphia and other cities, this has helped to enhance property values and to foster community pride. In addition, owners may request technical assistance from the Commission staff. Finally, for many, the ownership of a recognized cultural resource brings with it a satisfying sense of trusteeship of the past for the future. Owners of properties on the Philadelphia Register may apply for a Philadelphia Historical Commission plaque. Interested persons should contact the staff to request a plaque application.