"Untitled Series" 2008
As you may know, the art season is in full swing, and while many artists and galleries in New York are focusing on their shows, locally James Oliver and Veronica Scarpellino are bringing New York to Philadelphia. Its part of a growing trend of artists leaving the traditional art pockets of the US: New York, Miami, Los Angeles, to gain exposure in markets that are proving to be just as strong critically and financially.Guy’s tour begins with a solo show at James Oliver Gallery with an Opening reception Friday, May 8th, 6-10pm. “When you see Guy’s work in person, you can see that he is a naturally talented painter,” says James Oliver, of his decision to bring Philoche to his namesake gallery. “He’s definitely an rising star in the art world, and his works show a lot of potential. Even though Guy is a contemporary artist, his work appeals to the young and the hip as well as the more conservative.” He adds, “The quality of the work is there-15 layers of paint!–and you can see there is a dynamic progression if you look at is work as a whole.”
The following day, curator Veronica Scarpellino hosts an Opening reception Saturday, May 9th 5:00-9pm for Guy and other artists at the Globe Dye Works warehouse. The warehouse compound has been the site of one of longest running dye factories in Philadelphia. Now under new ownership, Globe will enter its next phase of life as an art community. “Globe Dye Works: Layers,” its first art exhibition, will showcase some of Philadelphia’s and the art world’s best established and emerging artists.
Philoche’s Haitian background causes Basquiat to come to mind, yet his art is more reflective of Rothko and Barnett Newman. Born in Haiti and moving to Connecticut with his parents at the age of three, Philoche has always been driven by his interest in art, deciding at an early age that he wanted to be a painter. After graduation from art school, Philoche was scouted by an independent art dealer, with his works were purchased by white gloved society members and celebrities such as George Clooney and Uma Thurman. He is now an independent artist being courted by the renowned Marlborough Gallery but his collections can be seen as part of corporate collections at Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley and sold at Christie’s auctions.
Guy Stanley Philoche
Please also see a recent article about Philoche on Ebony.com
http://www.ebonyjet.com/culture/index2.aspx?id=3D12346onJames Oliver Gallery
723 chestnut street, 4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA
http://www.jamesolivergallery.com/future.htmGlobe Dye Works
Veronica Scarpillino
4500 Worth Street
· Philadelphia, PA 19124
www.globedyeworks.com/exhibitionsPortia Holt
Agrani Consulting
244 Fifth Avenue#223C
New York, NY 10001
comparing that to rothko makes me want to puke