You are invited to Project HOME’s community info session about the upcoming new affordable housing project at 4912 Griscom Street on December 10, from 4:30pm to 5:45pm, at St. Joachim’s Catholic Church in Philadelphia, with snacks and beverages provided.
Category: Meetings and Events
Community RCO (Zoom Zoning) Meeting Thursday March 14th 2024

Upcoming Community Zoning Meeting
Our zoning meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 14th, 2024 at 5pm.
These are the cases that will be heard.
1357 Dyre Street- Zoned as RSA-5. Applicant is seeking a variance for a three unit dwelling within an existing structure.
5033 Duffield Street- Zoned as RSA-3. Applicant is seeing a variance for a for family dwelling within an existing structure.
4346-48 Griscom Street- Zoned as RSA-5. Applicant is seeking a variance for the erection of an detached structure with roof deck on the 5th floor, multi-family dwelling with forty-six units and fifteen parking spaces.
5245 Oxford Avenue- (Oxford Avenue Apartments) Zoned as CMX-2. Applicant is seeking a variance for thirty-six units with existing parking spaces.
Here is the ZOOM meeting details below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 3933 9760
Passcode: 414817
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,81539339760#,,,,*414817# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,81539339760#,,,,*414817# US
The Lenape in Frankford

The regularly scheduled program of the Historical Society of Frankford, June 13, 2023, 7:30 pm, at 1507 Orthodox Street, will feature Adam DePaul, a member of the governing council of the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania.
Chief Adam Waterbear DePaul, Tribal Storykeeper and Director of Education for the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, will discuss the past and present of the Lenape people in Pennsylvania. This will include pre-colonial life, relationships with William Penn, the era of Penn’s Sons and the Walking Purchase, the Lenape diaspora and where they are today, the Lenape who remained in their homeland and how they remained, and what the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania is doing today to revitalize Lenape culture and continue their role as caretakers of the environment. Chief Adam will invite discussion and questions from the audience.
15th District PSA1 Meeting
This month’s Philadelphia Police 15th District PSA1 Community meeting with Lieutenant Becker will be held at our parish Thursday evening – December 8 – at 7pm.
We will discuss your quality of life concerns, safety issues, and share resources and upcoming events in our community.
Your input and feedback is needed to make a difference!
We multiply our impact when more people are engaged and involved. Please invite your block captains, friends, and neighbors to attend with you! All who live, work, worship, and volunteer in Frankford, Northwood, Bridesburg, Wissinoming, and all neighborhoods that form part of PSA1 are warmly welcomed.
Enter Parking lot from 4400 block of GRISCOM (no vehicle entry from Frankford Ave)
Proceed on foot to Frankford Ave
Enter Meeting hall by way of courtyard gate adjacent to Frankford Hardware
Light refreshments will be served
Children welcome; bring a friend or neighbor too!
If you are unable to attend but would like me to raise an issue on your behalf or share your upcoming event, just let me know. Likewise, if you have a flyer for an event or resource and need copies printed for distribution at the meeting, feel free to send my way via email by 2pm Wednesday.
In peace,
Cristina Mancini
Senior Warden
St. Mark’s Church, Frankford
Phone: 215-535-0635 Mobile: 267-614-0345
4442 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124
Frankford War Memorial is Rededicated
See below for the video of the rededication of the Frankford War Memorial, courtesy of Frankford High School Television.