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Marie DeLany rids her sidewalk of drug dealers with Christian music

Ronnie Polanecsky tells the story of how Overington House’s Marie Delany rid her street corner of drug dealers by playing Christian music in today’s Daily News:

Old-time standards like “Amazing Grace,” “The Old Rugged Cross,” “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus” and “The Lord’s Prayer.” You name the sacred song, it wafted three doors down to the intersection of Penn and Arrott streets, where dealers sold to addicts who stumbled up from the Arrott bus terminal.

Good times.

[link] Ronnie Polaneczky: Tunes beat drugs. That’s the gospel truth

2 thoughts on “Marie DeLany rids her sidewalk of drug dealers with Christian music

  1. This is a great and inexpensive way to combat the dealers in many areas; and I’m an atheist. Marie you did a great thing for that area; I just wish it would continue today. This area near Arrott Street is again a bustling hot bed of drug dealers. I ride through there on my way home from work and I see them conducting business without a care in the world. Marie, please make your presence known at any of the areas civic meetings and we’ll see that you get assistance to start this powerful tool again; if you wish to do so. I myself would like to clear this area of dealers in a more Dirty Harry like fashion, but that would make just as bad as these losers. I was fortunate enough to see the big picture at a younger age, and the numerous number of behind the scenes victims of drug use (children, wives, husbands, etc.) that have their lives ruined because of the habits of close family members. I learned this lesson the hard way and felt guilt for being an enabler. So I now look down at these dealers for the scumbags that they are and the death and destruction they cause without any remorse or feeling for the hundreds of lives they ruin and for the city they are destroying.

  2. As bad as that corner is now can you imagine allowing a nuisance bar to re-open at Griscom and Arrott ts? Please call you city officials and let them know the bar at 1520 Arrott St is being renovated now to re open as a bar and let them know you are against it!

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