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Northwood Civic February Meeting

The meeting held on February 18th was well attended with 20 residents in the meeting room at St. James Lutheran Church.  The issues discussed:

  • The March 18th meeting will be candidates night.  The primary election will be held on May 20th and invitations are being sent to all candidates for office to attend the meeting to speak and answer questions.  There will be no debate between candidates since only one at a time will be in the meeting room.
  • Residents have voiced concern about the parking problems at Northwood Academy Charter School.  Joe Krause has been discussing the issue with the principal Amy Hollister.  They are working on a plan to utilize the parking lot (formerly CORA) to reduce congestion at drop off and pickup time.  She has been invited to speak at a future meeting.
  • Joe was scheduled to tour the site of the new Bridge facility on Adams Avenue on February 19th.  The Bridge is a nonprofit behavioral health treatment and youth opportunity program for adolescents and their families seeking to overcome substance abuse, mental health issues, truancy and other challenges. The facility appears to be nearing completion and the community will be notified when it will become operational.  The issue of approving the zoning variance for the facility was contentious with the Frankford Civic opposing it while the Northwood Civic approved.
  • The Kmart on Wyoming Avenue is closing which leaves a large vacant property on the edge of Northwood.  There is no indication of what may happen to the building at this point but the Civic will keep an eye on the situation.
  • Tom McAvoy discussed the Town Watch.  As the president, he is dependent on reports from residents about issues.  No patrolling is done by members.  Truck parking overnight on Northwood streets is generally prohibited and is under control for the most part.  Residents can contact Tom at
  • Representative Clay spoke briefly on his proposed legislation to tax lottery winnings to fund public schools in the state.  He says he has gotten a lot of positive feedback from the public and fellow legislators about it.  More information will be available as it moves along the legislative process.

Some residents came with a list of possible rental properties in the Northwood deed restricted area.  Joe Krause took the information and will followup on the issues raised.  He noted that it can be difficult to prove use of a property is a commercial enterprise which is forbidden by the deed restriction.  Some may be used by other then the owner in situations that are legal.

The next meeting of the Northwood Civic Association will be on Tuesday, March 18th at 7PM at St. James Lutheran Church.