PSA1 met on Thursday September 27th with a good sized crowd numbering over 30. Captain McCloskey lead off with an update of the most recent crime problems. The homicide of an innocent young mother and child were on everyone’s mind.
- Drug activity is ongoing on the 5000 and 4700 blocks of Griscom Street. The police are aware of the players.
- Worth Street near Orthodox is still full of drug activity.
- Joe Krause, president of Northwood Civic made the captain aware of an upcoming hot spot that needs attention in Northwood.
- There is also a problem with unregistered cars being parked on the streets in Northwood. 311 calls are made for that situation.
- Residents are concerned about sales of K2 (artificial marijuana) and “loosies” in some stores on Frankford Avenue. Sales of “loosies” should be reported to 311.
The Captain says he has not yet see the formal policy on the new marijuana laws that would make possession of small amounts a minor offense punishable by a $25 ticket.
On the proposal to split L&I into two departments, he says if it happens it could be beneficial if inspectors were assigned to specific divisions. They would get to know the area better. That would help establish better relationships between the police and L&I and facilitate getting things done faster when an urgent need arises.
The issue of alternating the PSA between Frankford and Bridesburg every other month was raised by Pete Specos. McCloskey said that it probably would not be an improvement because each community has very different needs. They are working on a way of meeting the needs of residents in the Burg in another way outside of the PSA.
Veronica Daniel, designed a form for participants to use to provide information to the police at the PSA meeting. We will publish a link to it for download when it is available.
The next PSA meeting will be held at Aria Hospital on Thursday, October 30th at 7PM.