There was a good crowd at the meeting on February 17th to hear about the Water Department (PWD) project on Adams Avenue. John DiGiulio represented the PWD and came prepared to discuss all the projects in the area that had been put out to bid. Unfortunately, Adams Avenue was not on the list. He did not disappoint the group since he explained in general what would be happening when the project get going. Residents of the 4600 block of Adams Avenue talked about prompted the PWD to plan work on the block.
The problem is that sewers on that block regularly back up into some residents basements. The bigger problem is that the sewer is a private sewer not part of the PWD system. I never heard about that one before but DiGiulio said that there are a good number of private sewer and water systems in the city when something goes wrong with them it is the homeowners responsibility to repair it.
Residents of the block have been trying to get PWD to install sewer system on the block for a long time and they have finally decided to do it this summer. The upside is that the sewer system will be installed but the downside is that each homeowner will have to pay to connect their house to the system. That could easily cost over $10,000 per home. PWD offers a zero interest loan over 10 years to help with the expense but it is still a hefty bill.
Since this block is at the back of the Northwood Academy Charter school that adds another element to the construction problems since the street is heavily used during school time. For that reason construction should take place during the summer.
Further details of the project will be announced when it is finalized and scheduled. Each homeowner in the area affected by the construction will get a written notice by mail.
You can go the the PWD website and see what notices have been sent out for any zip code in the city just to keep informed. That is available at this link. Click on notifications by zip code to see what is current in this area.
DiGiulio did give us a heads up on some new projects recently put out for bid which means construction could start in a few months. Water mains will be replaced on the following streets.
- Arrott Street between Oakland and Leiper
- Foulkrod Street between Duffield and Tackawanna
- Ruan Street between Tackawanna and Torresdale
Also at the meeting was Jim Kennedy for Congressman Brendan Boyle. He said Brendan wants to keep in touch with what is going on the neighborhoods and will occassionally be attending the meeting. Rep. Boyle’s local office is at Woodward and the Boulevard. The phone number is 215-335-3355. There will also be an office opening in Olney in a few months.
The Ad Hoc used car business on the 900 block of Foulkrod continues to shuffle their cars throughout Northwood. Keep reporting them to 311. They will have not license tag
No word on the day care on Oxford Avenue. The No Parking Any Time signs are moving forward. No date for installation yet available. There was a Treasurers report but there have been additions or withdrawls since last month.
Councilwoman Maria Quinones-Sanchez will be at next months meeting. Residents are urged to attend and bring your concerns. Northwood is now entirely in the 7th Councilmatic district so Maria is your representative.
The next meeting of the Northwood Civic Association will be on March 17th at 7PM at St. James Lutheran Church at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street.