The Northwood Civic Association meeting on March 17th got good news with the announcement that phase I of the rehabilitation of Simpson Recreation Center has been funded. The required $250,000 for repairs to the building is available and that part of the project is scheduled for completion in the Spring of 2016. Phase 2 of this project will require a lot more money and no time line on that has been set.
That news was delivered by Councilwoman Maria Quinones-Sanchez when she appeared before the group of over 60 residents. This is her first appearance at the meeting since Northwood became part of the 7th Councilmatic District. Also specific to Northwood, she committed to introduce legislation to make large truck parking illegal on Northwood residential streets.
She ran down her list of accomplishments over the last 7 years: Frankford CDC is now financially stable, new pop up park on Frankford and Paul this Spring, Facade improvements on Frankford Avenue, working with SEPTA on safety issues, keeping the Mater Dolorosa and St. Joachim School buildings occupied, support the local parks and recreation centers, the new play space to be built at Griscom and Church across from Frankford Friends School.
She opened it up for questions and showed her mastery of the issues confronting the city. At the top of the list was taxes and she discussed the realities of the AVI (Actual Value Initiative) on homeowners; Tax Abatement and who needs them and why the rich are still getting them; funding the schools and how we are still 3 years away from a Fair Funding Formula for the schools in Pennsylvania.
Non policy questions that were asked were:
- Castor Avenue traffic between Foulkrod and Pratt is horrendous. She offered to have the streets department do a traffic study and make recommendations.
- We can’t find the owner of the burned out garages at Rutland and Fillmore.
- Traffic vibrations on Ramona Avenue from speeding buses on Adams Avenue. Suggested having SEPTA come to a Civic meeting to address the issue.
- Numerous other questions that were best handled by the Civic.
I have to note that 60 people attended this meeting but you do wonder where they are for the other meetings when some of these issues can be addressed.
The next meeting of the Northwood Civic Association will be held on Tuesday, April 21st at 7PM at St. James Lutheran Church at Castor and Pratt St.