At the Northwood Civic Association meeting on July 21st, President Joe Krause discussed the condition of Northwood park that resulted from the wind storm in June. There are numerous trees that were knocked down. The city says the cleanup will be done BY THE END OF THE YEAR. The neighborhood finds that totally unacceptable and so the Civic will look into the cost of renting the equipment to do it with volunteer labor on a cleanup day.
Also at the meeting:
- In September nominations will be accepted for those willing to sit on the board. If you are interested in becoming active in the Civic, come out to the next meeting for more information.
- The proposal for stop signs on Castor Avenue between Harrison and Pratt Street has been submitted to Councilwoman Sanchez.
- The Civic has been dealing with the people who are trying to take over 1301 Wakeling. The scheme is to just take over the vacant property and rent it out.
- They are working on the abandoned car around Baldwin field.
- Town Watch will provide information on the police departments project ID at a future meeting. It gives you property identification tags for your valuables in case of a burglary. It makes it easier to recover your property in the event of a loss.
The next meeting of the Northwood Civic Association will be held on August 18th at 7PM at St. James Lutheran Church at Pratt and Castor.