Frankford High School will be both creating and launching a School Advisory Council (SAC) this year. The flyer below explains the purpose of the SAC and also the composition of the committee. They are seeking at least one community member to serve on this important committee. There is a roughly one-hour time commitment each month beginning in January. Meetings will be held on Wednesday evenings at 4:30 PM in the IMC at Frankford.
If you or someone you know is interested, you may email the Principal, Michael Calderone at mjcalderone@philasd.org and complete the online application at this link. Those applying electronically through the link have until 11/23/16 to complete their application.
Those completing paper applications will need to mail in their applications no later than November 10, 2016. Please have them write ATTN: Principal RE: SAC on the envelope to ensure that their application is entered into the electronic form created by the School District. You will find the application in English at this link. Spanish is at this link.
The “election window” (if necessary) will run from 12/5/16-12/15/16. Applicants that have been selected will be notified on or around 12/23/16. The first meeting of the Frankford HS SAC will be held on January 11, 2017.