STEM (science, technology and math) is alive and well at Northwood Academy Charter School! Aside from the typical science, technology and math classes that you would expect in an elementary school, the students at Northwood Academy are immersed in programs and presentations that demonstrate the value of STEM in our world.
Through a partnership with iPraxis, an organization that focuses on inspiring students to explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics, the students at Northwood Academy are given the opportunity to be mentored and expand their knowledge. The 6th grade students were recently taught lessons by iPraxis president, Jeremiah White. He explored the effects on human inventions and ideas over time. Mr. White challenged the students to imagine their dreams becoming a reality and the work required to make that happen. There are even recent discussions on creating an Innovation Lab at the school where students could create and learn about patents. Giving the students the resources to make their dreams come to life is thrilling for all involved.
In March, Northwood was given the privilege of hosting guest speaker, Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green, a medical physicist who is breaking ground in the realm of cancer treatment using lasers. Dr. Green’s message was one of hope. Using personal tragedy as a motivator, Dr. Green decided that the current treatment of cancer was not enough and with that came her drive towards a career in physics. The 8th grade audience was in awe of Dr. Green’s ability to rise above adversity and lead a life dedicated to science. Presenters such as Dr. Green are life changing role models for our youth, and Northwood Academy recognizes the opportunity to provide such inspiration to their students.
Throughout the third trimester, several 7th grade students have chosen to be part of an elective class hosted by The Cancer Treatment Center of America. Northwood Academy’s ongoing relationship with CTCA has expanded this year thanks in part to CTCA’s new CEO, Nancy Hesse. This unique learning experience was offered to students who are interested in careers in the medical field. This off campus classroom is being taught by surgeons, nurse practitioners, dieticians and genetic counselors. The students have the chance to view the medical field in practice and the see the dedication that these careers require.
STEM is an acronym that is not just about teaching crucial subject matter, but creating opportunities beyond what a classroom can offer. Health Fairs, Pi Day, Robotics Club, Science Fairs and guest speakers make STEM come to life for Northwood Academy students. With all the motivation, information and inspiration being provided Northwood Academy feels assured that future scientists, technology pioneers, engineers and mathematicians are among their student body.