September’s HSF meeting was well attended to hear Jim Byers tell both the story of his grandfather, Donald Byers, and also how he came to write the book, “My American Odyssey“. The audience had the opportunity to ask lots of questions, view some of the letters Donald sent home and also to purchase the book. You can purchase a copy of the book at this link.
Coming up at this month’s meeting on October 10th at 7:30 PM, John Whitenight will present the Natural World Under Glass. John is a retired art teacher and an avid collector, author, and lecturer on Victorian Glass Domes which were a prominent fixture in the parlors of many 19th Century homes. Within the domes were arrangements of dried flowers and wax fruit, as well as constructions from nature which included taxidermied birds, wildlife, and even deceased pets. The Historical Society’s collection of Victorian Parlor Domes from homes in Frankford will be displayed.