Summer Programming at the Frankford Library from June-August 2018.

From Wikimedia Commons
School Age
Lectura bilingüe de cuentos infantiles
Spanish/English Bilingual Storytime
For children and their parents. Read by Librarian – Mr. Pagán.
Monday and Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.
July 23 and 25
Frankford’s Wednesday Movie of the Month
Monday and Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.
July 2 – Coco
July 18- Ferdinand
Block Building Parties
Block Party!?
Wooden Block Party in the library.
Monday and Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.
June 25 and 27
Frankford Lego Playtime
Come build something at the library.
Mondays & Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.
July 30
August 1
Teens and Adults
Teen Thursdays
June 14, 21, 28; July 12, 19, 26; August 2
Thursdays at 3pm
Come have fun doing various activities and games. Snacks provided. Teens Only
Email Basics
Utilize our new laptops for extended time.
June 12, 19, 26; July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Tuesdays @12p-1p
Resume Help
Utilize our new laptops for extended time.
June 314, 21, 28; July 5, 12, 19, 26; August 2
Thursdays @12p-1p
LaBae Daniels
Branch Manager & Adult/Teen Librarian
Frankford Neighborhood Library
4634 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19124
Phone: 215-685-1473
Email: danielsl@freelibrary.org
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