The Frankford NAC Zoning meeting was held on June 14th at 7 PM at Second Baptist Church.
The results were:
5520 Harbison Avenue – Illuminated sign and roof deck, the case was continued because we did not get renderings in time.

5520 Harbison Avenue
1540 Womrath Street – Applicant came back to us. (legalization of a triplex) not enough room. So they came to us again to legalize a duplex. Residents (especially block captain) who lives next door was adamantly opposed. Said that they tapped into her electric to operate power tools, etc. – Opposed

1540 Womrath from Google Street View
4512 Tackawanna Street – Legalization of a duplex. Approved

4512 Tackawanna Street from Google Street View
5082 F Street – Application to have a take-out restaurant on the first floor and a single family dwelling on the 2nd floor. Applicant lives in the dwelling upstairs. Letter of non-opposition was sent.

5082 F Street
The next zoning meeting of the Frankford NAC will be held on July 12th at 7 PM at a location to be announced.