The Historical Society of Frankford Presents the 4th of its 2019 Spring Program Lectures
June 11, 2019 7:30 PM
The Frankford Odd Fellows Lodge #14 (1829-1987)
Presented by: Justin C. Bailey, Secretary, Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Independent Order of Odd Fellows
April 2019 marked the 200th Anniversary of Odd Fellows in America. In 1824 the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was chartered followed by the establishment in 1829 of Odd Fellows Lodge #14 in Frankford. Originally named after Thomas Wildey, the founder of American Odd Fellowship, it was renamed Oxford Lodge #14 and remained in existence until 1987 when it consolidated with the still existing Henry Disston Lodge #8 in Tacony.
Secretary Bailey will discuss American Odd Fellowship with specific information about local Lodges. He will also present the Historical Society of Frankford with the complete minutes of the 190 year history of Lodge #14 for accession into its Library Collection
All Welcome – Admission Free – Refreshments Served
Donations and Membership Applications Gratefully Accepted
1507 Orthodox Street
Philadelphia, PA 19124
Email: frankfordhistorical@gmail.com
Facebook: www.thehistoricalsocietyoffrankford.org