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Project PRISE

I was in the neighborhood last week and got this picture of the sign on Griscom street across from St. Joachim. This is a description of the program:

Project PRISE is a new outpatient and intensive outpatient treatment program for adolescents with substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders located in the Kensington section of Northeast Philadelphia. Located in one of the most under-served communities for adolescents with substance abuse problems in Philadelphia, Project PRISE (Promoting Recovery through Integrated Services and Education) will serve approximately 30-40 youth at any given time, and approximately 75-80 youth per year. The PRISE IOP will offer a range of services, including comprehensive bio-psychosocial assessments and individual, group, and family therapy that will be informed by evidence-based assessment and treatment models developed as part of the CSAT funded Cannabis Youth Treatment Study. The program will also include a home-based, family-focused case management component that focuses on linking adolescents to a range of pro-social activities in the community and is based on a nationally recognized model. In addition, Project PRISE will be designed to promote increased collaboration between probation officers and the Clinical Treatment Team through regular meetings, information sharing, and communication.

Project PRISE is a program of the Philadelphia Health Management Corporation (PHMC). PHMC is a non-profit public health organization that conducts research and evaluates programs, provides management and technical assistance services for other non-profits, and provides specialized direct services in the community. PHMC currently manages eight other behavioral health programs in Philadelphia, including The Joseph J. Peters Institute, The Bridge, Bridges’ Step-Down, CHANCES, Interim House, and Interim House West, WestHaven and The Family Therapy Treatment Program.

This is an update of the drug treatment facilities:

View Larger Map

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New Link

I review the links over to the right periodically to make sure all are still in operation. While I was going through the list tonight, I added a link to Andrew Sullivan’s blog. If you want to hear what a real conservative (like Barry Goldwater not George Bush) has to say, take a look. He has a unique, in our times, perspective. Just in case you don’t see it over there here it is.

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Next week in Frankford

  • On Tuesday the 16th, Frankford Crime and Safety Summit meeting, 6PM at Frankford Hospital’s second-floor conference room
  • On Tuesday the 16th Northwood Civic Association Meeting, 7PM at St. James Lutheran Church
  • On Friday the 19th, at Mozaic, Friday, October 19th. – Fundraiser for Frankford Friends School. *mozaic *will be donating 10% of your dinner purchase to The Frankford Friends School Building Fund.