Thank you for your service!!!
Lawrence Clay Jackson was born April 17, 1954, in the Frankford section of
Philadelphia. He went to Smedley Elementary, Harding Jr. High, Frankford High School and Rutgers University. He was a Baptist at Christ Stronghold. Clay, as he was known, joined the United States Marines in August 1974 and did his basic training at Paris Island, North Carolina. He also served at El Toro, California. He received numerous awards and was promoted to the rank of E4 (Corporal). He was honorably discharged in 1973. Clay is a tenor sax (Jazz) – The Tone P, a Postal worker for 30 years and American Legion Post 224 Finance Officer. He is also an active member of Keystone V.I.P. Choice.
James Gary was born on July 6, 1959, in the Frankford section of Philadelphia. James attended Stearne Elementary, Harding Junior High, and Frankford High School. James enlisted in the Army in 1975 and did his basic training at Fort Bliss, Texas. Then he was shipped to Germany. While serving, he received numerous awards and certificates and was promoted to the bank of E3 (PFC). James was honorably discharged in 1979 and he became an employee at Progress Electric Company. He is an active in American Legion Post 224, the Frankford Chargers and the Boys and Girls Club. James loves traveling, shopping crabbing and barbering.
Leonard E. Jaynes was born January 22, 1946, in the Frankford section of
Philadelphia. He attended Smedley Elementary, Harding Junior High, Frankford High School and St. Joseph’s. He enlisted in the Army on July 13, 1966, and was stationed at Fort Gordon Georgia. He then served time in Korea and at the Redstone Arsenal. Leonard received numerous awards and was promoted to the rank of E4 (SP4) and was honorably discharged. He became a silversmith at Keystone Silver Company and is now he is employed at Home Depot. He is an active member of Philadelphia Express Trac Club and is also a member of American Legion Post 224 and participates in other community projects. Leonard is also is a great poet and track runner.