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The Church Street Quarries

Save the Date! 
You are cordially invited and most welcome to the first event of the Fall season at The Historical Society of Frankford. Join us on Tuesday, September 10, 7:30 PM at 1507 Orthodox St., parking on street and usually in the lot of Frankford Friends School! Light refreshments follow!
The first topic of the new year sheds light on “The Church Street Quarries (Deni Playground)” presented by John Hewitt and Bob Smiley!
Also meet and greet the members of “The Friends of St. Joachim Cemetery”.
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Veteran of the Month—William Turner

William Thornton Turner was born on September 4, 1946 in Philadelphia.  William, affectionately known as Thornton was educated in the Philadelphia Public School System.

Thornton accepted Christ as his personal savior at an early age.  He was drafted into the United States Army where he served two tours in Vietnam. He was honorably discharged after serving three years. He was awarded many medals, such as the parachute badge, National Defense Service Medal and was an expert in firearms.

After Thornton’s discharge from the Army Thornton always kept a job and worked for many years for a nursing home in Coatesville until he retired due to his health.

Thornton was a quiet and unassuming man who loved to travel, read and hop on a bus to the casinos.  He also enjoyed family gatherings and would spend most holidays at his niece Shirlene’s house for dinner.

Thornton was a private person who always did his own thing. In his younger years, some would say he was a lady’s man.  He was a wonderful brother, uncle and just and all around nice guy who will be sorely missed.


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Historical Society June Meeting

At the meeting of the Historical Society of Frankford on June 11th, Justin C. Bailey, Secretary, Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, presented 190 year old books of minutes, in four boxes from the Odd Fellows Lodge #14 in Frankford to the Society for addition to their collections.

Before the presentation, salads, sandwiches, coffee, tea and desserts were put out and all had a good time.

The next meeting of the Historical Society of Frankford will be on September 10th at 7:30 PM.  The program subject to be announced at a future time.


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General Meade Visits General Meade School

On May 31, 2019, Civil War General Meade visited the General George G. Meade School, 1600 North 18th Street in Philadelphia.

General George Meade is played by Andy Waskie, Vice President and Historian of the Grand Army of the Republic Museum in Frankford. He addressed 200 kindergarten, 2nd, 3rd and 5th grade students at the beginning of their annual end-of-school year “Play Day”.

The General’s spirited remarks were well received and many questions about the Civil War were answered.  The students received rewards for achieving reading goals, attendance and all around cooperation. The assembly program also included a class dance performance.

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In the afternoon the “Play Day” for the whole school included games, snacks and drinks that was fully funded by the General Meade Society of Philadelphia.

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D Day – 75 Years Later

World War II in Frankford can be measured by the lives of the young men and women who served and those who died.  Even though we went to war in December of 1941, it moved slowly for all of 1942 and then in 1943 we started to see casualties coming home.  June 6, 1944 was the beginning of the end but it was also the beginning of the time of the most deaths of Frankford’s soldiers and sailors.

Frankford is like a small town and in compiling this information, I have been contact with some of the families of these men.  They have not been forgotten.

The following is a list of Frankford’s dead in World War II.  Let us not forget.  If you know of someone who should be on this list, email me at


William Michael Fairhurst, died November 27, 1943, 22 years old
Walter Billyk, died December 26, 1943, 22 years old
Charles H. Swartz, died May 12, 1944, 24 years old
George Charles Burrough, died May 26, 1944, 22 years old
George Russell Woosley, died June 24, 1944, 28 years old
George Russell Woosley, died July 3, 1944, 21 years old
Frank Tiano, died July 11, 1944, 29 years old
Francis J. Schultz, died July 14, 1944, 34 years old
John Russo, died August 3, 1944, 20 years old
Eugene L. Hegh Jr., died August 4, 1944, 23 years old
William J. Ferry, died August 8, 1944, 36 years old
William R. Sorensen, died September 14, 1944, 20 years old
Francis Keeley, died September 15, 1944, 22 years old
Eugene David Harpel Jr., died November 17, 1944, 21 years old
Joseph Herbert Clark, died December 4, 1944, 19 years old
Charles Henry Blittersdorf Jr., died December 18, 1944, 23 years old
Thomas Edward Biddle Jr., died January 3, 1945, 21 years old
Andrew Krull, died February 22, 1945, 27 years old
John A. Bissinger, died March 6, 1945, 20 years old
Raymond D. McAteer, died March 10, 1945, 21 years old
Walter Bryan Gossling Jr., died April 5, 1945, 19 years old
George Edward Frey, died October 15, 1945, 26 years old