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Mayor Grants $21M to Commercial Corridors

The REM Network reports that mayor Street has awarded the area of Frankford Avenue between Sellers and Margaret over $1,000,000 in redevelopment funds.

Mayor John Street launched the ReStore Philadelphia Corridors program with an initial round of $21 million in funding. The program is a complement to the ongoing Neighborhood Transformation Initiative, and it was split among 36 neighborhoods.

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New Link

I review the links over to the right periodically to make sure all are still in operation. While I was going through the list tonight, I added a link to Andrew Sullivan’s blog. If you want to hear what a real conservative (like Barry Goldwater not George Bush) has to say, take a look. He has a unique, in our times, perspective. Just in case you don’t see it over there here it is.

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Dog fighting on Adams Avenue

The reports on the local news were so bad i decided not to post anything about it. Then I noticed today over on Phillyblog some comments that sounded likely to be true so here they are:

Yesterday the Daily News had a more informative piece on the overall problem. Here it is for as long as it is available.