There were about 70 people crowded into the room on the second floor of the Frankford Boys and Girls Club on August 15th at a Town Hall to address the shooting that took one life and left two others injured (one critically) on August 13th.
The shooting took place on the basketball court at the Square/Wilmot Park which had been a safe zone until this incident. The community was outraged and mobilized into action.
People from all over Frankford and from all ages attended and gave their ideas and suggestions on a course of action. What became clear is that all recognize there there is no quick fix for this problem.
- There are too many illegally gotten guns in the wrong hands of people who are all too ready to use them.
- The lack of opportunity for the youth of the community.
- Children raising children.
- Teaching right from wrong in the home.
- Closing down the nuisance bars.
- Economic development on the Avenue will bring new jobs.
- Reactivate the Power Circle at the Boys and Girls Club for mentoring the youth.
- New policing strategies from the Police Department.
- Bringing the various competing groups in Frankford into a force that works together.
A peace walk is planned for August 19th at 6 PM starting from 2 points in Frankford: Wilmot Park/the Square and Wakeling and Griscom Streets. Both of those locations were the scenes of shootings on the weekend. The two groups of walkers will then meet at Margaret and Frankford.
The next steps will be announced at a future time.