Clean up Crew
From the Frankford CDC: Wow! What a great day Saturday was with the Mayor’s cleanup. Quite a hectic day of organizing for so many devoted Frankford residents and stakeholders. It was a pleasure to see so many folks turnout and work so hard! Frankford CDC is proud to have partnered with the Frankford Parks Group and Councilwoman Maria Quinones-Sanchez to provide blue recycling bins and recycling rewards. On Saturday, five dozen donuts and two boxes of coffee (compliments of FTC Dunkin Donuts) were handed out to volunteers. We handed out 200 pretzels (compliments of Representative Tony Payton), 50 t-shirts and over 75 re-usable shopping bags (compliments of Frankford CDC). We signed up over 30 residents for recycling rewards and handed out close to 150 blue recycling bins. Most importantly, we witnessed the preparation and cleaning of Wilmot Park as well as a thorough cleaning of the park at Hedge and Orthodox. The volunteers were unstoppable in their cleaning and planting efforts. If there was a way to personally thank each and every person that came to invest their time in Frankford, we would love to do so! Thank you and Frankford CDC is proud to have participated. (more pictures on the CDC blog here)
Frankford CDC still has blue recycling bins and will make them available to all residents. Please call our office or e-mail us if you need a bin or would like to sign up for recylcing rewards. Hours for bins are 10am to 3pm, Monday-Friday. However, we ask that you please call before stopping by since our jobs require us to be out of the office often.
One bin may be collected per household. BLOCK CAPTAINS: Please contact us directly on how to obtain multiple bins for your block.
Tracy O’Drain todrain.fcdc@gmail.com
Michelle Feldman mfeldman.fcdc@gmail.com
From the Friends of Overington Park: We had 36 volunteers work from 9 to 3:00, planting 6 flats of liroipe grass, creating 200sq. feet of new flower beds, picked up 147 bags of debris , painted all the park benches and poles surrounding the park eliminating the graffiti, and 15 new trees were planted by PHS in the park

New trees for Overington Park
, the trees that were destroyed last summer were pulled out. We refreshed the older flower beds with compost and mulch. We worked hard but the park is looking good. Now if only we can stop whoever is ripping off daffodils and throwing them on the ground, the park would look great!
Our next event is Saturday May 14th from 10 till 2, planting flowers and seed. We will be giving volunteers seed packs to take home and plant some green around Frankford.
I have to thank all our Friends group, the Frankford High ROTC and PHS! You baked to feed our volunteers, worked hard all day, and hopefully had fun with your neighbors. The park is a better place for all the time and energy our merry band of Friends contribute to the beautification of Overington Park.