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You may have noticed that there are a lot of bricks in Frankford. There are so many brick structures that you almost lose sight of them. it was the building material of choice for quite a long time. We are looking at these buildings now many years after they were built and the majority of them have seen better days. Brick structures are tough but they do need periodical maintenance – brick pointing and cleaning to keep them standing and looking good.

If you have been down to Society Hill you can see the beauty of old brick buildings that have been restored. That trend is steadily moving up in our direction. Just drive downtown under the el and you will start to see old brick buildings restored to like new condition.

I was walking up Frankford Avenue last week from Church Street and came to the former Mozaic (fondly missed) building. I then took the “Road less traveled” and turned up Gillingham (Google map). It was a nice sunny day and in about 10 steps I thought I was on one of the back lanes in London or Belfast or maybe even Coalisland. This street shows you the Frankford of the future today.