When-Sun, Aug 3, 12pm – 5pm
Where-4278 Griscom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 ()
Description-Presentation at 1:30 PM: Major General Godfrey Weitzel, born in Germany was a noted and valued commander of units in the Western Army of Gen. Sherman in the Civil War, and at the conclusion of the War was assigned to command African-American soldiers of the ‘U.S. Colored Troops’ of the XXV Corps. His Black troops captured and held Richmond. He was a West Point graduate of 1855, assigned to the prestigious Corps of Engineers. After the war, Weitzel reverted to his military engineering duties and for a time in the 1880’s was assigned to Philadelphia. In the persona of Godfrey Weitzel will be Joe Funk of Lancaster, a descendant of the general. He will transport the audience back to the stirring days of the Civil War and inform about the role played by Godfrey Weitzel in his own words. First Sunday ‘Open House’ Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 1:30PM Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) Civil War Museum & Library 4278 Griscom St Philadelphia, PA. 19124 tel: 215-289-6484 web: www.garmuslib.org e-mail: garmuslib@verizon.org FREE & Open to the public