This is a list of some of the real estate transactions in Frankford in December of 2008.
5432 Discher St $14,900
2044 Margaret S $79,800
1237 Adams Ave $76,900
5282 Glenloch St $93,900
1144 Anchor St $100,000
5014 Saul St $183,000
1138 Brill St $102,000
4539 Tackawanna St $27,500
5434 Large St $60,000
1113 E Sanger St $103,000
4554 E Stiles St $67,500
4360 Bermuda St $68,000
5401 Torresdale Ave $120,000
4931-35 Charles St $248,000 |
1118 Kenwyn St $74,500 |
1119 Kenwyn St $165,000 |
1440 E Bristol St $104,787 |
4643 Leiper St $147,000 |
1111 Fillmore St $124,900 |
The sale price of 5432 Discher St ($14,900) seems low. I am assuming it was a foreclosure (former owner was a bank), but depending on condition, it appears the buyer got a good deal.
That is a nice block. Maybe somebody got a bargain.
added a few more late transactions today.