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Friends of Overington Park

Report from Diane on the cleanup last Saturday, July 25th:

We had 17 people come out and weed and mulch the trees and flower beds in Overington Park.
They worked from 10 until 2, an extra hour. We had water and soft pretzel donated by Tony Paton and Maria Quinones Sanchez.
I think the water kept them going.  Of course there was a nice breeze blowing through the park that day.
We left the park looking beautiful. The seeds we planted in April are flowering, beside the shrubs and perennials .
It looks great after a little elbow grease. Even better was the camaraderie that we felt at the end of the day. We sat with our hats on and spoke with our neighbors about the park, and the work we just completed. As people left the park they strolled one more time by the flower beds in the sun.
It was a good day.
Thanks again for your part in making it happen! Diane Kunze, Friend of Overington Park

Thanks Diane and all the volunteers for making Overington park the gem that it is.