we’ve updated the crime map page to include the period from 7/20 through 8/2/2009. We’re a bit behind due to the summer schedule. The news lately has mentioned an increase in burglary in the Northeast. It does not show up here in Frankford and overall numbers are down compared to the same period last year.
Comparing 2008 and 2009: There was 1 homicide and none last year and no sexual assaults. Robbery went from 18 to 12 this year. Aggravated assault from 21 to 13. Theft from 46 to 42. Burglary from 28 to 24. Crimes with guns from 12 to 8. Crimes with knives the same. Crimes with other weapons from 10 to 6.
This is the map. Say thanks to the cops. The bums and vermin haven’t seen the light, they are feeling the heat.
View Frankford crime 7/20 to 8/2/2009 in a larger map
Anybody notice the police walking the beat here in Frankford?