- Grand Army of the Republic Museum Open HouseWhen – Sun, November 8, 12pm – 5pmWhere – 4278 Griscom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – Presentation at 1:30 PM: Civil War Santa Claus Kevin Rawlins
- Historical Society of Frankford program
When – Tue, November 10, 7:30pm – 9:00pmWhere – 1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – FRANKFORD AVENUE The Nation’s Newest National Historic Trail “Washington Rochambeau Revolutionary Route W3R-PA” Robert Selig, PhD National Historian W3R-USA Tuesday, November 10, 2009 7:30 pm HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF FRANKFORD Frankford Avenue is a newly-designated NPS National Historic Trail, part of the 685 miles of French (Rochambeau) & American (Washington) campsites from Newport RI to Yorktown VA, where a decisive victory securing American Independence was forged. Dr Selig, Nat’l W3R-USA Historian, has researched those sites & activities along Frankford Ave, & will discuss his publication and the possibilities for marking our NE Phila/Frankford Ave route. Also, The Color Guards of the Philadelphia-Continental Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, will perform a flag processional in uniform FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact W3R-PA cameo99@netzero.net 215-365-5550 The Historical Society of Frankford 1507 Orthodox Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 215-743-6030 www.frankfordhistoricalsociety.org Light Refreshments Served
- Transitional Home for Veterans in Philadelphia Receives Dramatic Makeover
When – Wed, November 11, 8pm – 9pmWhere – HGTV Comcast channel 77 (map)Description – American heroes, like Army veteran Hence Forland, have opened their homes to provide temporary shelters for homeless veterans. HGTV carpenter Carter Oosterhouse and designer Monica Pedersen team up with hundreds of volunteers in St. Louis and Philadelphia to transform these barely livable, historic residences into beacons of hope with two of the biggest and best remodeling projects in HGTV history.
- Northwood Civic Association Meeting
When – Tue, November 17, 7pm – 8pmWhere – St. James Lutheran Church, at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street. (map)
- Italian Style Family Dinner
When – Wed, November 18, 4:30pm – 8:00pmWhere – St. Joachim’s Church, 1527 Church Street, Phila., PA 19124 (map)Description – MARK YOUR CALENDAR Every Third Wednesday from September thru May Italian Style Family Dinner The Dinners will be served from 4:30 PM to 8 PM in Fitzmaurice Hall Take-out will be available. COST: $8.00 for Adults, $4.00 for Children. Come Join us!
- Solar Power Workshop
When – Thu, November 19, 6pm – 8pmWhere – Location TBD (map)Description – Rep. Payton is hosting a series of workshops on solar power to help you become a part of the solar revolution. Three solar professionals will present their services and general information about the benefits of solar energy. Rep. Payton’s staff will also present on solar rebates and tax incentives available on solar purchases. Presenters include: Rene Ermilio, Helio Power Systems Micah Gold-Markel, Solar States David Blumenfeld, Urban Eco Electric Jorge Santana, Office of State Rep. Tony Payton, Jr. For more information about any of these events, please contact Rep. Payton’s constituent service office at 215-544-7901.
- Fall For Your Park at Overington Park
When – Sat, November 21, 10am – 1pmWhere – Overington Park, Leiper and Orthodox Streets (map)Description – Our next Friends of Overington Park event is on Saturday November 21, 2009, from 10am till 1pm. We will be planting a few trees, and racking up leaves, I hope some of your readers would like to attend. The event is called Fall For Your Park and will be going on around the city in over 60 parks. I hope to see you there.
- Town hall meeting
When – Tue, November 24, 7pm – 8pmWhere – St. Joachim’s church hall, Church and Griscom streets.Phila. Pa 19124 (map)Description – Captain Bachmayer invites residents from the district to share their concerns at a town hall meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 24, at 7 p.m. at St. Joachim’s church hall, Church and Griscom streets.