There were only a few people at the PSA meeting last night but it was productive nonetheless. Lt. Casselli and Officer Andrews presided and gave some updates on recent events.
The proposal to combine the PSA meeting with the EPIC or Civic is complicated by the fact that Lt. wants to attend and his shift schedule does not always allow an evening meeting time. It was agreed though that it would be good to experiment with it when the schedule allows since it would provide more residents the opportunity to meet and talk to him.
Complaints about the ad hoc flea market on Torresdale Avenue causing traffic problems continue.
Officer Andrews has been working with the owners of Elrans bar. The owner has been cooperative and is working with the police in making some management changes that would make the bar safe and more neighborhood friendly establishment. Lt. Casselli pointed out though that ongoing resident participation is crucial. The residents who came out to the meeting about Elrans two months ago are now absent. The police will never be able to be everywhere. Resident participation is needed.
A tip passed to the police at the last meeting lead to arrests of three individuals at the house on the corner of Foulkrod and Leiper Streets for drug activity.
The next PSA1 meeting is scheduled for December 21st at Aria Health, Frankford.