I learned more about Frank Furness than I expected at the monthly Historical Society of Frankford meeting on September 11th. Frankford has one of the surviving structures designed by Furness (the mortuary chapel at Mt. Sinai Cemetery at 1901 Bridge Street) but this program was about his little known history of participation in the Civil war. He was a Medal of Honor recipient for bravery in battle.
The story was told by three experts: Dr. Andy Waskie (GAR museum and Library on Griscom Street), E. Wayne Dovan, (Chaplin, Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #1506) and Dennis Boylan, (First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry). The Society has mounted a special exhibit devoted to Furness which includes photos, prints and drawings of his work.
Coming up on September 23rd at the historical society will be something new. A virtual tour of the historic homes and sites of Frankford which has been under development for some time. We have, here in this community, a wealth of material and the society has selected the highlights. This will be a virtual tour, no walking required. On September 23rd at 2PM at the society at 1507 Orthodox Street.