Work on the Arrott Transportation Center (Margaret-Orthodox El Station) will commence this week with installation of detour signage and a temporary platform on the westbound side of the station (towards 69th Street.).
Work includes major ADA enhancements with the installation of a new elevator from street level to platform level and two elevators from platform level to the east station overpass, construction of new platforms, tactile platform edging, handrails, guard rails, and new curb ramps and sidewalk paving. Station improvements include repair/replacement of stairways, new metal panels and tile wall finishes, roof replacement, new signage, lighting, and painting, new customer amenities including benches and trash receptacles, Art in Transit installation, new life safety, security and communications systems, new transformers, and new emergency generator. Project also includes ADA enhancements.
This project will take about two and a half years to complete.