By Tracey Kliebhan, Newtown, PA
Jeanine Krautheim from Northeast Philly is a single mom to 16-year-old Nicky who was born with a number of medical issues including Cerebral Palsy and Angelman Syndrome, a genetic disorder affecting the nervous system which is also marked by seizures. Nicky is unable to eat, walk or talk but his mom says his love speaks a thousand words. Nicky also has a brother who is autistic and Jeanine has very little support to help her care for her family. These children have significant daily accessibility and medical needs and Jeanine is truly struggling.
She is trying to provide Nicky with as many experiences as possible but he now weighs 77 lbs and she can no longer carry him into her car, even for doctor’s appointments. So Jeanine recently entered a contest for a wheelchair-accessible van, and though she has not received enough votes, many folks were touched by her story and by her complete devotion to her children. Jeanine was interviewed by Fox 29 and you can see that interview here.
Lucy Gardner was one of those touched by this story and she has now created a gofundme page for Jeanine (here is the link). We need the city of Brotherly Love to show some love and help this local family in need.