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Frankford CDC Awarded Grant for Transportation Study

Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development awarded the Frankford CDC a grant of $132,755 from their Multimodal Transportation Fund to go toward a transportation study of the transit-oriented development site near the Frankford Transportation Center.

The Frankford CDC is pleased to announce that in July 2016, the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development selected the CDC as one of 103 awardees from across the state for a grant from their Multimodal Transportation Fund. The award of $132,755 will go toward a transportation study of the area around the Frankford Transportation Center, SEPTA surface employee parking lot at Griscom and Pratt Streets, and the parcel at Frankford Avenue and Pratt Street where SEPTA is currently constructing their ancillary control center and employee facilities.

This study will be a crucial part of the Frankford CDC’s pre-development work on a transit-oriented development project. SEPTA’s Board issued a Finding of Special Opportunity this past fall giving permission for their employee parking lot and part of the parcel fronting Frankford at Pratt Street to be used for a development including a new fresh food market and small retail. SEPTA is currently drafting an RFP, with input from the Frankford CDC, that will be modeled after the 69th Street project.

Please feel free to reach out to Ellie Devyatkin at the Frankford CDC by phone (215-743-6580) or email ( with any questions.