What is Transitus? It was the passing over, of St. Francis of Assisi, from earthly-life to eternal-life.
Celebrate the Transitus, the passing over, of St. Francis of Assisi, from earthly-life to eternal-life.
The service will include readings and music to commemorate the life of St. Francis, as well as a time to remember the lives of loved ones who have passed. The evening will conclude with refreshments. All are welcome!
6:00 PM – Gather for a period of silent prayer at St. Mark’s (4442 Frankford Ave.).
6:30 PM – Procession to St. Joachim’s (1527 Church St.), where the worship service will take place.
Parking at St. Joachim’s is available in the St. Joachim Church parking lot on Griscom Street, just around the corner from the church.