The Northwood Food Truck Festival of 2019 was a brilliant success. I did not sample all the foods as there were too many.
The music was rather jazzy and not obtrusive. It was well received and attended by neighbors, but I thought it could have used more people. Although it was not crowded, there was a steady flow of people who did stop to eat.
There was a police presence, but you really had to look, as the officers blended in with the crowd.
The photographs speak for themselves.
Northwood Park was formed in or about 1888. It eventually had picnic tables and covered pavilions for concerts and park-goers. (I remember when most of all the City Parks had them and I am angry they have not ever been replaced).
Living in Deed Restricted Northwood for 20 years and the little things become big things.
The quality of life in Northwood is diminishing due to large amounts of trash — in the form of glass bottles, plastic bottles, plastic bags candy wrappers and other junk (used needles) thrown out of automobiles and parked cars. This “little” problem is ignored by the City and it is piling up into a bigger problem.
The streets cannot be cleaned of the debris because of cars & trucks being “stored” at the corner intersection and the sewers have become clogged. The City will not clean any of this and it causes Castor Avenue to flood every time it rains.
The lack of enforcement by the police (ignored complaints), allows unregistered automobiles & trucks to be illegally stored on the streets throughout — Trucks are parked for weeks right in front of a sign which says “no truck parking” — and these vehicles cause an unsafe situation in many ways.
One cannot see oncoming traffic when trying to enter Castor Avenue because their view is obstructed by a truck. When this truck is gone, it will almost immediately be replaced by another truck. This is a chronic & ongoing situation.
I want it noted that this will eventually lead to an accident or a death and both the City & truck-owner will be held accountable.
All being said – I am a critic of Mayor Jim Kenney, Maria Quiñones-Sanchez and the whole of City Council. You do not want to hear my opinion. It is an [expletive] indictment and a chronology of ineptitude painted (by them) to look like some huge accomplishment.
If the City wants to improve the quality of life, then City Council should not tax sugar, but should tax plastic and glass. They should propose a two cent deposit (city tax) on all bottles – both glass and plastic.
That will stop throwing them all over the streets.