The East Fankford Civic Association has a new web site. We have a link to it over to the right or follow this link.
Author: Gil
Poll has closed
Before I retire the current poll I wanted to recap the results. 15 people cast a vote and 13 of them prefer Nutter. 1 went for Taubenberger and 1 would prefer somebody else.
We are fortunate in this election to have had quite a few good choices in the primary and now in the general election. In any case, Vote.
Why vote when the results seem clear already. Well the next mayor is going to have a full plate of issues to deal with very quickly. The public support that he carries will give him the political clout to be more effective and get done what needs to be done.
This could be the first election of a new era in Philadelphia. We certainly need one.
Home of the week
Northwood Civic Association
Northwood Civic Association has a slate of candidates up for election at the next meeting. You can see the list here.
Next week in Frankford
- Saturday the 20th – 9AM – 2PM – A Rummage Sale to benefit the scholarship fund at Frankford Friends School will be held at the school. Tons of great stuff is being collected and will sell for low, low prices: kids books, toys, clothes, even furniture. I think there will be refreshments served as well. Penn and Orthodox Streets in lovely Frankford.
- Saturday the 20th – 2PM-4PM – Lower Northeast Town Hall Meeting Join Michael Nutter and other communuty leaders to discuss the issues important to you in your neighborhood. To RSVP or for more information, contact Katherine at or 215-545-9700.
- Sunday the 21st – For the GAR museum – at the Woodlands cemetery – Cemetery Tour: Civil War Era History at The Woodlands Donation: $20 (donation) Guide: Dr. Andy Waskie, Temple University Visit the graves of historical personalities, heroes, commanders, nurses, surgeons and others who made the supreme sacrifice and now repose among nature at one of America’s premier sacred sites. Experience the history of the Civil War through the lives of generals, admirals, Medal of Honor recipients, and battlefield nurses who gave their lives to defend the Union and free an enslaved race. Learn about war veterans who changed American society, artists who captured the mood of the era, and pioneering physicians who modernized medicine. Meet those who made a difference to the life of the nation, including General David Bell Birney of Gettysburg; Col. Robert Beath who lost a leg leading Black Troops; Emily Bliss Souder Gettysburg battlefield nurse; Col. Sylvester Bonnaffon, Medal of Honor; Dr. John Brinton, pioneer surgeon; and Peter Rothermel, Gettysburg artist. RSVP to 215-898-3169 of Jean K. Wolf Executive Director The Woodlands 4000 Woodland Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19104-4560 Tel. 215-386-2181 Fax 215-386-2431