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Poll of the month

A new poll has been posted over to the right. Who do you want to be the next mayor of Philadelphia. Feel free to weigh in with your opinion.

Last month’s poll “Will the sale of the Third Federal building to NET be good for Frankford?” has been retired. For the record the results were:

  • Yes – 50%
  • No – 24%
  • Will make no difference – 26%
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Home of the week

Walking down Cheltenham Avenue a few weeks ago I found this very neat and clean row house. What attracted my attention was that the lawn and greenery were so well kept.

The thing that is the bane of a homeowners existence in Frankford is street trash. It does not belong to you. You did not buy that candy at the 7-11 or the cigar either but somehow the papers from them end up on your sidewalk. This conscientious homeowner cleans up the trash in front of his house and probably goes up and down a few doors just to make sure it all looks good.

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Overington House

I was reminded about Overington House this afternoon as I passed Lehigh Avenue at Sedgely and saw this billboard. It is the only Frankford business that I have seen advertising this prominently outside of Frankford. It has to be a hefty bill to use a billboard of that size.

Click on the picture to get a better view.