The New look today is courtesy of our web wizard. Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions.
Author: Gil
The old Third Federal building on Frankford Avenue
There is an ongoing discussion about the future of the old Third Federal building on the avenue. Take a look here and put in your two cents.
Community Calendar
We had a comment on one of the stories about the East Frankford Civic Association asking if there might be more notice about their upcoming meetings. This is an open invitation to any community group to send me your meeting notices for inclusion on our community calender. Email me for information and I will tell you what we can do. Greater participation will lead to greater effectiveness. Civics, churches, blocks all are welcome.
Mozaic tonight
The Butch Ballard Trio will be performing this Saturday, the 21st., from 7PM – 11PM
- Italian Wedding Soup
- Empanada Duo (Shrimp/Beef)
- Tofu Tostada served with Vegetarian Refried Black Beans
- Pistachio Chicken with Rabe and a Risotto Pesto Patty
East Frankford Civic Association
A report on the recent meeting of the East Frankford Civic Association is in the Northeast Times this week. Al Taubenberger, Republican party candidate for mayor, attended the meeting. Also, an interesting zoning issue for a building on Penn Street. The Civic will support the variance. Read the entire story here: