At the Frankford NAC zoning meeting on August 8th at Second Baptist Church, the following cases were heard:

1619 Wakening Street

1704-06 Foulkrod Street

5234 Jackson street
Frankford Community Blog | Local News, Events, Community Resources
At the Frankford NAC zoning meeting on August 8th at Second Baptist Church, the following cases were heard:
1619 Wakening Street
1704-06 Foulkrod Street
5234 Jackson street
1520-22 Arrott Street
The Frankford NAC zoning meeting was held on May 9th at Second Baptist Church. The following cases were heard:
2000 Orthodox Street
1520-22 Arrott Street
4924 Duffield Street
4340 Leiper Street
5344 Akron Street
The next Frankford NAC zoning meeting will be held on June 13th at 7 PM at Second Baptist church.
At the Frankford NAC zoning meeting held on March 14th, all cases were continued.
5451 Akron Street – Variance for a hair salon on the 1st floor with a single family dwelling on the 2nd – Continued. The tenant was present; however, the owner did not show.
5451 Akron Street
1804 Orthodox Street – Variance for the legalization of a duplex – Continued. Applicant failed to submit professional blueprints.
1804 Orthodox Street
2000 Orthodox Street – PERMIT FOR A TWO (2) FAMILY DWELLING IN AN EXISTING STRUCTURE. Continued. Applicant failed to attend.
2000 Orthodox Street
The next meeting of the Frankford NAC zoning group will be held on April 9th at 7 PM at the Second Baptist Church at 1801 Meadow Street.
1619 Wakeling Street – PERMIT FOR TWO (2) FAMILY DWELLING IN AN EXISTING STRUCTURE. – legalization of a duplex. There was no opposition.
1619 Wakeling Street
4514-18 Tackawanna Street
4300-02 Frankford Avenue
4500-14 Frankford Avenue