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Free COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at Frankford High

I am excited to reach out to you today to share that we will be hosting a free COVID-19 Vaccine clinic here at Frankford High School next Wednesday, July 21st. Our Partners from CityLife Health will be providing the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to any member of the Frankford Community ages 12 and above. This includes parents, grandparents, and siblings of Frankford students. The clinic will run from 8AM to 3PM and will be located in the gym. You can enter on the Oxford Avenue entrance. The second shot will be administered on Wednesday, August 11th. In order to receive a vaccine you must register beforehand through this vaccine link.

I am equally happy to share that our partners will also be providing sports physicals to all of our student athletes. If you are a student athlete and want a physical  you will also need to register through this sport physical link.

Please check for more updates and additional information on our social media accounts:

Facebook: @FrankfordHighSchool – Instagram: @Frankfordhs – Twitter: @FrankfordHS

Dr. Michael J. Calderone, Principal
Frankford High School
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Community Police Meeting at St. Marks

Reported by Joe Taylor of the 15th Police District Advisory Council (PDAC).

The first  in person 15th Police District PSA1 meeting IN OVER A YEAR was hosted by St. Mark’s Church on Thursday July 8th.  Captain Walker was on vacation so, Lt. John Venit conducted the meeting.  Topics of discussion were many:

  • Fireworks.  They are legal in Pennsylvania but not in Philadelphia.  Fireworks are only allowed with a permit and cannot be used within 150 Feet of an occupied building.
  •  Dumping of tires. G. M. and T. K. talked about the tires being dumped Behind the Salvation Army bldg. on Griscom St. They said the landlord of the bldg. where Family Dollar is located, they have seen some of his hired workers dumping the tires.   They have stacked all of the tires nice and neat. Lt Venit will drive by and check it out.
  • Greg Bucceroni, mentioned for dumped tires call 911. This way the event is logged into the system then submit a request to 311 with a photo about the tires.
  • Talked about the heavy foot traffic in the St. Mark’s Parking lot around 4:00AM.  They are all well dressed, going to a store on the 4400 block of Frankford ave.  Has also seen some drug deals going down at the entrance to the church parking lot.
  • Dirt bikes and four-wheel quads. They are illegal to drive on Philadelphia Streets.
    City working on changing the law to cover all dirt bikes and quads.  Lt Vinit mentioned they are not allowed to chase these individual.  If the dirt bike or quad is parked on the street or sidewalk then they can impound dirt bike or quad.
  • Lt. Venit advised if any business would like to have a police officer stop by, then send the Company name and address and ask to have a patrol officer stop in occasionally.
  • The Capuchin Franciscan Friars at the Padre Pio Prayer Center on Church Street  sent in a message about 1520 Church St. that was turned into apartments. Many people coming and going. Seems like something is going on at this place.
  • Request to obtain a key to lock down playgrounds after 10 PM.  Greg B. mentioned that it is usually the maintenance people that have the key for locking playgrounds.
  • Old school bus that is no longer owned by any school bus system. The bus is parked on Oxford Ave.  Outside of Frankford High School. It has been vandalized and homeless now living in the bus.
  • Group of Dominican boys hanging out in the Northwood area playing music.  Quality of life issue. Lt. Venit mentioned the last time they arrested these boys none of them lived in the Frankford Area.

The next 15th District PSA1 meeting will be held at a date and time to be announced.




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Senior Center Doors to Swing Open Again

The long wait is finally over! 

The Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center is thrilled to announce that it reopened on Monday, June 28, 2021 at 9 a.m.  The Center is located at 4744 Frankford Avenue.

Pursuant to guidelines provided by the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, initially the Center will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (but will be closed on Monday, July 5th).  Current members can attend a morning session or an afternoon session on those days; however, attendance at both sessions on the same day is prohibited.  Bingo will be held during the morning sessions, and an exercise or health and wellness activity will be offered during the afternoon sessions.  Limited table games will also be available at both sessions.  Anyone who uses CCT Services for transportation must attend the morning session.  Please contact the Center directly for information regarding changing current or establishing future transportation services at 215-831-2926.

The morning session will be held from 9 AM-12 noon, and a grab-and-go lunch will be provided to take home.  The afternoon session will be held from 1 PM-3PM.; breakfast should be eaten before coming to the Center.  As in the morning session, a grab-and-go lunch will be provided to take home.  The Center is currently not permitted to operate its dining room and kitchen.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays when the Center is closed for maintenance, grab-and-go lunches will be available for pick up.  As things progress to full-time hours of operations, it is anticipated that daily hot lunch service will also return.

Everyone who enters the building will be screened for symptoms of COVID 19, and anyone exhibiting symptoms will be required to leave.  Members and staff will be required to wear masks at all times, and a daily Health Status Form must be completed.  Social distancing guidelines will be observed.

The Senior Center is grateful for the opportunity to work with its members again and looks forward to welcoming new members throughout the year.  For a minimal annual fee of $10.00 members are offered an array of daily services and activities, including health and wellness activities, bingo, special events, use of computers and exercise equipment, and birthday/holiday celebrations, as well as enjoying social interaction with their peers.  Anyone interested in becoming a member should call the Center at 215-831-2926 to make arrangements.

The Peter Bressi Northeast Senior Center is designed to enhance the quality of life for senior citizens through social, recreational, educational and social service programs.  The Center is funded by the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging and is a community service project operated by the Northeast Community Center for Behavioral Health.

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Flag Day

There were some observances of Flag Day today but they all brought to mind that the Frankford High School Junior ROTC Color Guard honors the flag many times each year by participating in community events.

On Memorial Day Weekend they were at the Puerto Rican Medal of Honor Memorial Day Ceremony held at Freedoms Foundation in Valley Forge.   The normally outdoor ceremony was held indoors due to the inclement weather. Puerto Ricans are one of the very very few states or territories that hold a memorial service every year to honor their Medal of Honor Recipients ( Total of 9: 8 Army & 1 Marine; 5 from Vietnam War and 4 from Korean War).   The ceremony is hosted by American Legion Latin American Post 840 and attended by many dignitaries from American Legion, VFW and other military organizations.  The Frankford HS color guard presented the colors.

A Memorial Day Ceremony was hosted by the Malik Family of Northeast Philadelphia (Jardel Area).  The highlight of the ceremony was the display of the Philadelphia Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall (Plaques) that were on display on the grounds.  Ceremony included the Frankford HS color guard in addition to members of the Philadelphia Fire and Police Departments.