On Philly from the inside out, another great review for Mozaic. Read it here: http://www.uwishunu.com/2007/08/17/you-may-not-have-to-travel-as-far/
CBS3 Idiots – Well at least they fixed it
I emailed CBS3 the following tonight:
The story below indicates Pennypack park is in Frankford. It is not and now once again you have besmirched the reputation of our neighborhood. Get your facts straight.
The link to their story is here: http://cbs3.com/topstories/local_story_225142058.html
Feel free to blast them if you have time. Every time something bad happens within a mile of Frankford Avenue these morons call the neighborhood Frankford. If it’s something positive they somehow manage to get the neighborhood correct.
On Wednesday I got this email:
Hey Gil, The article will be updated to reflect the correct section. Thanks for taking the time to write and for watching CBS 3.
and they changed the story to:
(CBS 3) PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia Police are searching for a suspect who allegedly sexually assaulted a female during a robbery in Northeast Philadelphia Saturday.A 29-year-old female told police she was walking in Pennypack Park when she was grabbed from behind by an unknown male at about 8 p.m.
Art Holiday Poll
I posted our first poll last month about the Art Holiday more as an experiment than for any other reason. However a good number of people responded and the results are in.
Not many of us miss that venerable old institution. My opinion is that the Art Holiday was a blight on our neighborhood that served to mock the “Welcome to Frankford” signs on Womrath park.
On a nice sunny day you would drive up Frankford avenue coming up from Torresdale and see the Womrath park in all its greenery and there find a pleasant sign welcoming you to the neighborhood. Then as you get to the end of the block, there was the Art Holiday with the dirt and trash and prostitutes offering a welcome of a different sort.
Now, hopefully, it is gone forever, never to rise again. We were fools to have tolerated its existence all those years.
From State Rep. Tony Payton
Residents of the 179th Legislative District are invited to a free senior fair on Friday, August 17 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the New Frankford Community Y at 4700 Leiper St .
My staff and I will be available to answer your questions on prescription drug programs, health insurance, property tax/rent relief and more.
Come test your checkers skills in our checkers tournament, play some chess against a new friend, or be one of the lucky ones who wins a prize in our raffle.
This is a great opportunity to have some fun, meet your neighbors in the community and learn about the programs and services for which you may qualify. For more information, please call or visit either of my constituent service offices.
Fox News reported on Friday that demolition has begun on Deal Street. I am not sure how long the link will be available but here it is: http://www.myfoxphilly.com/myfox/pages/News/Detail?contentId=4033251&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=3.2.1
[where: 19124]