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Community Calendar

We had a comment on one of the stories about the East Frankford Civic Association asking if there might be more notice about their upcoming meetings. This is an open invitation to any community group to send me your meeting notices for inclusion on our community calender. Email me for information and I will tell you what we can do. Greater participation will lead to greater effectiveness. Civics, churches, blocks all are welcome.

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East Frankford Civic Association

A report on the recent meeting of the East Frankford Civic Association is in the Northeast Times this week. Al Taubenberger, Republican party candidate for mayor, attended the meeting. Also, an interesting zoning issue for a building on Penn Street. The Civic will support the variance. Read the entire story here:

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When is demolition of a house a good idea. When the structure is such an eyesore or hazard that we have no choice. The Northeast Times reports that 43 properties are slated to be demolished in Frankford. Although we are seeing a fair number of properties being reborn there are also a large number that look beyond hope. Elimination of those dangerous eyesores can’t help but make the neighborhood more attractive to future development. When the dust settles, we will have taken another step on the road to the “Next Great Neighborhood in the Next Great City”.

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Historical Society of Frankford

The Historical Society of Frankford has given us a preview of their upcoming events for the remainder of this year. They are now posted below on our calendar. Just go down to the calendar and click on the Agenda tab. Then tab through the months. All events will display. Click on any for the Historical Society and a description will pop up. Take a look at the program for October 12th. That one is sure to be a sell out.