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Frankford Civic Association Meeting

The Frankford Civic Association Met on Thursday May 7th at Frankford Hospital.  Over 30 were in attendance.  On the agenda for the meeting:

  • Dan McElhatton, candidate for the nomination for District Attorney on the Democratic party primary, made his pitch for your vote.  YOu can check out what he has to say at this link.
  • Jason Dawkins of Maria Quinonnes-Sanchez office updated the group on the activities of the task force charged with addressing the growth recovery house businesses in Frankford.  Jason made the point that they are not targeting properly run and licensed businesses.


    Jason Dawkins adddresses the Frankford Civic Association

  • A developer outlined a proposal to build 16 affordable rental houses on a lot near Pratt and Duffield Streets.

The next meeting of the Frankford Civic Association is scheduled for June 4th.