- Tom Judd is having an open reception
When– Fri, November 13, 6pm – 9pmWhere Globe Dye Works (map)Description – Philadelphia based artist Tom Judd is having an open reception this Friday at the Globe Dye Works from 6 PM to 9 PM. According to Mr Judd’s biography, he’s done a lot stuff around Philadelphia. From murals on the street to walls for local restaurants. Some of his stuff has been added to the Philadelphia Museum Art’s permanent collection. I hope we get something like Tijuana Weekend.
- Frankford Garden Club
When – Sat, November 14, 10am – 12pmWhere – Wissinoming Recreation Center (map)Description – This Saturday From 10AM to 12PM we will be making autumn arrangements for the Vitas Hospice in the old Frankford Hospital (now Aria) We will meet in our new Home at Wissinoming Recreation Center Enter the driveway on Cheltenham Street between Charles and Frankford Avenue (one block east of Frankford Avenue – go past the Frankford Transportation Center at Bridge and Pratt, up the hill, and turn right onto Cheltenham Avenue at the traffice light – then turn left into the driveway about a block down – you are allowed to drive up the red brick road to the building !
- Northwood Civic Association Meeting
When – Tue, November 17, 7pm – 8pmWhere – St. James Lutheran Church, at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street. (map)Description – AGENDA: • Terry Tobin, director of New Frankford Community Y, will make a report on the possible future of the now closed facility. Accompanying him will be officers of the company planning to buy the facility. They will make a presentation and take questions. • The membership will be updated on the progress of the various zoning battles the Association is currently engaged in. • Any new business will be accepted from the floor.
- Italian Style Family Dinner
When – Wed, November 18, 4:30pm – 8:00pmWhere – St. Joachim’s Church, 1527 Church Street, Phila., PA 19124 (map)Description – MARK YOUR CALENDAR Every Third Wednesday from September thru May Italian Style Family Dinner. The Dinners will be served from 4:30 PM to 8 PM in Fitzmaurice Hall Take-out will be available. COST: $8.00 for Adults, $4.00 for Children. Come Join us!
- Solar Power Workshop
When – Thu, November 19, 6pm – 8pmWhere – Location TBD (map)Description – Rep. Payton is hosting a series of workshops on solar power to help you become a part of the solar revolution. Three solar professionals will present their services and general information about the benefits of solar energy. Rep. Payton’s staff will also present on solar rebates and tax incentives available on solar purchases. Presenters include: Rene Ermilio, Helio Power Systems Micah Gold-Markel, Solar States David Blumenfeld, Urban Eco Electric Jorge Santana, Office of State Rep. Tony Payton, Jr. For more information about any of these events, please contact Rep. Payton’s constituent service office at 215-544-7901.
- Parent Computer Expo
When – Sat, November 21, 9am – 12pmWhere – Frankford High School, 5000 Oxford Ave. Phila. PA 19124 (map)
- Fall For Your Park at Overington Park
When – Sat, November 21, 10am – 1pmWhere – Overington Park, Leiper and Orthodox Streets (map)Description – Our next Friends of Overington Park event is on Saturday November 21, 2009, from 10am till 1pm. We will be planting a few trees, and racking up leaves, I hope some of your readers would like to attend. The event is called Fall For Your Park and will be going on around the city in over 60 parks. I hope to see you there.
- Town hall meeting
When – Tue, November 24, 7pm – 8pmWhere – St. Joachim’s church hall, Church and Griscom streets.Phila. Pa 19124 (map)Description – Captain Bachmayer (15th District) invites residents from the district to share their concerns at a town hall meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 24, at 7 p.m. at St. Joachim’s church hall, Church and Griscom streets.
- Program at the Historical Society of Frankford
When – Sun, November 29, 2pm – 4pmWhere – Historical Society of Frankford, 1507 Foulkrod Street, Phila. PA 19124 (map)Description – THE LENAPE TRADITION — Special Guest Program and Fundraiser Indian Cultural Museum of Allentown This interactive program and display will highlight the heritage of the Lenape people that were the first to inhabit the area that is now Frankford. In light of the Thanksgiving holiday, it is appropriate to remember and appreciate the people that once called Frankford home. Join the folks from the Indian Cultural Center in Allentown as they share information on their history and traditions. The Historical Society of Frankford is also mounting a small display of its own Lenape and other Northeast Philadelphia American Indian artifacts. Activities for all ages will be offered, so bring the entire family and support the educational outreach HSF has been doing for over 100 years to promote and preserve the history of Northeast Philadelphia. Special refreshments will be offered.
Tag: frankford high school
Communication Bridges the Distance Between Home and School!
We attended the morning Truancy Workshop recently held at Frankford High School. While we no longer have school age children ourselves, our schools need all citizens to care about our young people and insure that they receive an education that prepares them to reach their goals and dreams. After welcoming us, Ms. Patricia O. Green, Parent and Community Ombudsman, explained that her position was created in 2008 as a point of contact for parents.

Patricia O. Green, Parent and Community Ombudsman, Frankford High School
Ms. Green serves as a parent advocate and is available to help parents with any concerns or help that they might need. Much of her time is spent regarding truancy issues as, on any given day, 20% of students are not in school. Ms. Green is also responsible for community outreach – to churches, businesses and community groups to explain the opportunities available at Frankford High School. But Ms. Green’s real desire is to help parents and students before real problems develop. Ms. Green works very closely with the Student Advisors, too. One of the parents at the workshop explained that she had tried to get help for an older son who was cutting school but was unsuccessful. Once there was serious trouble, then doors opened to help the family. But she is determined that things won’t get that far with her second son and she has found that help in Ms. Green. The School District’s policy regarding truancy was explained. An absence note is required for any day a student is absent from school. It is very important that these absent notes are given to the student’s Advisor upon their return to school. If not, this absence can be recorded as being “unexcused”. Three (3) “unexcused” absences mean a student is “truant”. Ms. Green asked that parents contact the school whenever there are family concerns or situations that affect the student’s attendance or their ability to concentrate on their studies. Help and support is available. Ms. Green can be reached at 215.537.2519, ext. 1343. Her email is pgreen@philasd.org. We wish you much success, Ms. Green!
The School District is actively dealing with the issue of truancy and taking steps to enforce compliance with state laws mandating attendance at school. Just today, the Daily News reported on an investigation currently underway regarding a Frankford High School student and his encounter with truancy officers (not those specifically assigned to Frankford High School) . After reading this article, what do you think?
A Shout Out to Parents: Is Your Child in School? Do You Know How They’re Doing?
I’ve mentioned in an earlier post that I am a retired teacher. I am still an active mother although my son is now grown. If children aren’t in school, they can’t learn. If they can’t learn, there is not much the future holds for them. Figures show that at least 20% of school-age eligible children never show up to learn! (We are not talking about legitimate absences accompanied by a parental note to explain a child’s illness or family emergency. We are talking about choosing not to go to school.) I can’t help but wonder where the parents are, are they aware of this? Who is asking about a child’s day? Frankford High School is hosting a workshop on Thursday, October 29th, with a choice of convenient meeting times – either 10:00 AM or 6:30 PM. The school wants to address this issue by explaining the process that begins if your child has unexcused absences. But no one wants it to come to that. Patricia O. Green, the Parent and Community Ombudsman, wants to do more by offering parents resources to help and improve their child’s grades. Our schools want your child to succeed. But you need to make the time – isn’t your child and their future worth that? Please plan to attend – I know I will and I hope to see you there!
Truancy Workshop at Frankford High School
Coming Up in Frankford
- The Overington House’s 10th anniversary Celebration
When – Sat, October 24, 6pm – 10pmWhere – QUAKER CITY YACHT CLUB, 7101 N. Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa 19135 (map)Description – The Overington House’s 10th anniversary Celebration will be held at the QUAKER CITY YACHT CLUB DATE: OCT. 24, 2009 TIME: 6:00 TO 10:00 PM PRICE: $30.00 A PERSON OR TABLE OF 8 FOR YOUR GROUP $200.00 ADVANCE SALE TICKETS Make your check payable to: Overington House Inc. Call Ann Mason 215-535-7680 for tickets Featuring guest speaker: Beatriz Vieira, Vice President for Community Impact THE PHILADELPHIA FOUNDATION THE POWER OF ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES Enjoy free beer and food, cash bar, raffles, and fun.
- Overington Park Craft Fair and Fall Fest
When – Sun, October 25, 10am – 2pmWhere – Overington Park, Leiper St and Orthodox St. (map)Description – Craft fair/ flea market. $5.00 per space, The Frankford Garden Club will be doing a bulb planting demonstration and answering your garden questions. We are also having face painting, a pumpkin patch, and other kid activities. Please come out and take a look, join your neighbors for our Friends Of Overington Park Fall Fest.
- Truancy Workshop
When – Thu, October 29, 10:00am – 11:30amWhere – Frankford High School, IMC Room (Library) (map)Description – Did you know that three unexcused absences is truancy? Come learn the ABCs of truancy: • The truancy process levels. • Where a parent can seek help. • How to improve your child’s grades. • And more…… When: Thursday, October 29, 2009 Where: Frankford High School, IMC Room (Library) 5000 Oxford Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124 Time: Session I: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or Session II: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. RSVP: Patricia O. Green, Parent and Community Ombudsman (215) 537-2519 Extension 1343 Email: pgreen@philasd.org
- Frankford Civic Association Meeting
When – Thu, November 5, 7pm – 8pmWhere – Frankford Hospital – 2nd floor conference room (map)
- Grand Army of the Republic Museum Open House
When – Sun, November 8, 12pm – 5pmWhere – 4278 Griscom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – Presentation at 1:30 PM: Civil War Santa Claus Kevin Rawlins
- Historical Society of Frankford program
When – Tue, November 10, 7:30pm – 9:00pmWhere – 1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – FRANKFORD AVENUE The Nation’s Newest National Historic Trail “Washington Rochambeau Revolutionary Route W3R-PA” Robert Selig, PhD National Historian W3R-USA Tuesday, November 10, 2009 7:30 pm HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF FRANKFORD Frankford Avenue is a newly-designated NPS National Historic Trail, part of the 685 miles of French (Rochambeau) & American (Washington) campsites from Newport RI to Yorktown VA, where a decisive victory securing American Independence was forged. Dr Selig, Nat’l W3R-USA Historian, has researched those sites & activities along Frankford Ave, & will discuss his publication and the possibilities for marking our NE Phila/Frankford Ave route. Also, The Color Guards of the Philadelphia-Continental Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, will perform a flag processional in uniform FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact W3R-PA cameo99@netzero.net 215-365-5550 The Historical Society of Frankford 1507 Orthodox Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 215-743-6030 www.frankfordhistoricalsociety.org Light Refreshments Served.
- Northwood Civic Association Meeting
When – Tue, November 17, 7pm – 8pmWhere – St. James Lutheran Church, at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street. (map)
- Italian Style Family Dinner
When – Wed, November 18, 4:30pm – 8:00pmWhere – St. Joachim’s Church, 1527 Church Street, Phila., PA 19124 (map)Description – MARK YOUR CALENDAR Every Third Wednesday from September thru May Italian Style Family Dinner The Dinners will be served from 4:30 PM to 8 PM in Fitzmaurice Hall Take-out will be available. COST: $8.00 for Adults, $4.00 for Children. Come Join us!