Is the Pope really coming to Frankford? Well not as far as I know but he does sometimes pull off a surprise visit. 
The Pope Up is coming to the Globe Dye Works, 4500 Worth Street, though all during September. The show is by the Philadelphia Sculptors and they always have a unique view on any topic they touch.
Just in time for the Pope’s visit, and part of this year’s Fringe Festival, Philadelphia Sculptors will present “Pope Up,” an exhibition of 2D and 3D works centered around all things “Popish.” From the traditional to the offbeat and humorous, the show will present contemporary artists’ approaches to religion and its meanings and interpretations. Located at Globe Dye Works at 4500 Worth St. in Philadelphia, the exhibition is free and will be open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays, September 5 and 6, 12 and 13, 19 and 20, and 26 and 27. Hours are noon – 5:00 pm. Public reception Sunday, September 20, noon – 5:00 pm.
The inspiration of Globe Dye Works’ partner Charlie Abdo, and juried by Independent Public Art Consultant Marsha Moss and Graphic Designer Mark Gallini, “Pope Up” draws in artists of all backgrounds and viewpoints. Handling religion isn’t for the faint of heart and the “Pope Up” artists spare no brushstroke, chisel, or technological device to skewer, applaud, and sometimes make us question what we believe in.
Globe Dye Works
4500 Worth St.
Philadelphia, PA