Frankford Garden Club Update
The Annual Plant Sale did great this year! We sold out around 2:30pm with a profit of $200 – our best haul yet!
Yes, Charlie, $200, not $195. I forgot about the $5 I had at home for 5 little potted Black-Eyed Susans I sold.
Mark your Calendar for a Celebratory meeting on Tuesday May 25th at our Wissinoming Park home 6:30 pm – Pot Luck
(use parking lot entrance by the playground on Cheltenham Ave between Frankord Ave. and Charles St)
At this meeting
- Time to make our Summer Plans!
- Are members interested in Judging in the City Garden Contest this year?
- Latest info on Entering your Garden into the Contest
Thanks go to Diane Kunze, Una Esther Coyle, and Janet Bernstein for driving out to Delran NJ to pick up the plants for the plant sale from Bart’s Nursery; and to all the members who came out to help at the sale:
Cara Kaminski, Nancy Tweed, Mary Ellen Post, Marie Zimmerman, Maria Goldston, Connie Whitmore, Pat Hoberg, Joan Long, Gloria Green (with her eyepatch!) Charlie Bugg, Una Coyle, and Nona Bloom -oh, and myself and Diane Kunze too. Yup, we was a crowd!
Cara, Marie Z., Una and Nancy finished up the tail end of the sale (was it one or 2 hours?)
AND thanks to Betsy Baxter, Librarian, and the Frankford Library, for letting us set up shop in front of the Library, and for coming out on her day off to give out Library information.
AND thanks to Simone Wood (staff member for PA Rep Tony Payton) for designing and printing the Sale flyers-
OH! Thanks to Johnnie Mae Parker fr getting the flyers out and about!
AND Special Thanks to Bart’s Nurseries for supporting our Club by providing strong healthy plants at a fantastic price for our Sale.
Lots of supporters and neighbors came out to shop, and we thank them too! (Like you, Sloane and Jennifer Folks and Yvonne Philips) Thanks to Frankford Gazette, the online Fkd website, Second Baptist and others for publicizing the Sale!
Janet E. Bernstein
6946 Jackson Street
Philadelphia, PA 19135
(267) 343-3267 home
(267) 982-9620 cell