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Seth Williams Makes a Return Visit to Northwood Civic

DA Seth Williams explains Community Based Prosecution as ADA Gilson holds the map

District Attorney Seth Williams returned to the Northwood Civic Association meeting (last visited in June of 2010) on November 20th to update residents on the crime situation in the Northeast.  He described how Community Based Prosecution has changed how crime is prosecuted in the city.  Accompanied by Assistant DA Mark Gilson who is the head of the Northeast bureau, they explained the benefits of this change.

Violent crime continues to plague the city.  Williams looks to legislative changes at the state level that would make carrying an unlicensed concealed weapon a felony (presently a misdemeanor) with a mandatory prison sentence.  This is one logical step that would reduce the number of illegal guns on the street.  He points to the success of New York City in reducing their murder rate as being related to a similar law implemented up there.

Results of elections for the board of directors from last month are finalized.  President is Joe Krause.  Vice President is Tom McAvoy.  Board members are: Rodney Allen, Mary Robus, Ed Martin, Frank Bennett and Lou Kubik.

As we reported earlier, residents are concerned about the problems at the park in the 900 block of Harrison Street.  The Civic is working on identifying the owners of the property.  It appears that it is not connected to Northwood Park and may be privately owned.  The row of damaged garages is also privately owned and the Civic intends to contact the owner of that property.  Jason Dawkins, on behalf of Councilwoman Sanchez said that their office works with community groups (like the Friends of Overington Park) and will look to community involvement with this park.

The Civic is continuing to monitor the auto sales that are conducted out of a private residence on the 900 block of Foulkrod Street.  The individual has been contacted and notified that this is a violation of the deed restriction but the activity continues.  The Civic is considering the option of legal action in the face of this blatant violation of the deed restriction.

Frank Bennett gave a brief update on the status of the New Frankford Community Y.  The roof has been repaired.  The next step needed is to have the electricity turned on.  Fund raising is under way and if you are planning your charitable giving, donations to the Y are tax deductable.  Follow this link for further information.

The next Northwood Civic Association meeting will be held on December 18th at St. James Lutheran Church at 7PM.





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Northwood Civic Meeting Agenda November 20, 2012

Northwood Civic Association
PO Box 4890
Phila, PA 19124

AGENDA: District Attorney Seth Williams will address the membership. Joe Krause will introduce those running for office and discuss the civic’s plans for 2013. There will be an update on Northwood Park and the plans for that area. Voting for new board members will take place if necessary.

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